The Professional Investment Podcast

Welcome to the Professional Investment Podcast! This podcast is targeted at people involved in the professional investment industry – in particular, those who are involved in how large institutions, such as pension schemes and insurance companies, allocate their billions.
Series 2
Richard J Tomlinson is CIO at LPPI and has responsibility for management of all investment and client activity. Richard has more than 20 years of investment experience. Prior…
Simon True is chief executive officer of Clara Pensions, the member-first consolidator of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes. Over the last 15 months, Clara has completed the UK’s…
Joanna Sharples is a partner in Aon’s Investment Practice and the Chief Investment Officer for Aon’s DC Solutions. She has over 20 years’ experience in the pension and…
Series 1
Iain leads Hymans Robertson’s investment consulting advice to LGPS funds. In this role, Iain covers the vast array of challenges clients face including, investment strategy, pooling and responsible…
Tim Manuel is head of responsible investment at Border to Coast, where he and the responsible investment team are focused on delivering meaningful outcomes for the Partner Funds…
Mark joined Nest as CIO in 2008 to design and shape Nest’s investment strategy and has been responsible for investments as AUM have grown from £0 to over £43bn. In…
Catherine Howarth joined ShareAction as Chief Executive in 2008. ShareAction is an NGO with a mission to define and promote the highest global standards of responsible investment. Catherine…
Joe is Chief Investment Officer of Border to Coast – one of the largest LGPS pools in the UK. Previously Joe spent 15 years as Head of Portfolio…
Bobby Riddaway is Managing Director of HS Trustees and a Professional with over 30 years’ experience in pensions and investments. He is currently Chair of Trustees on the…
Gregg McClymont is executive director public affairs Europe for IFM. He has held that role for the last four years. Prior to this job, he was Group Director…